Thursday, December 27, 2007
Joyeuses Fêtes *** Happy Holidays
Paix, joie et amour à vous toutes!
I haven't forgotten you. The holiday Season ss somewhat hectic so there's not a heck of a lot of time to play. But I would like to share some good new with you: My Dad's condition is improving! We had a big scare, but the surgeon told us that his leg will heal so no 2nd amputation of him. I would like to thank each and everyone of you who has sent me words of encouragement. I take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful Holiday Season and may the year 2008 bring you everything that you heart desires! I promise I will post some new projects real soon!
Peace, comfort & joy to all!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Mandalas - Part II

Lors de mon crop d'Halloween, une amie avait amené avec elles des estampes de Outlines Rubber Stamps pour confectionner des mandalas. J'en avais profité pour les utiliser et j'avais réussi à en finir un dans les motifs de Noël. Les étapes de confection et la philosophie derrière cette technique est décrite dans ce message du mois passé.
The night of my Halloween crop, a friend of mine brought her mandala stamps from Outlines Rubber Stamp. She graciously let me use them for the evening and I had stamped 2 different sets. I finally managed to finish the 2nd one, the first one being my Christmas one. The instructions and history of mandala-making is described in this past post.

This one in particulair was embossed with clear poweder over Basic Black Craft ink from Stampin' Up! I love this crisp effect. On one side, I colored the images with blues and greens, using my Copic markers and...

Bonne journée, les amies!
... the other side with purples! I've added lots of blings using bling rings and Stickles. I will use it as a sun-catcher for the window in my Studio.
Have a great day!
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Les "Inchies" / Inchies... and a half

What are Inchies you ask? They are small work of arts that measure 1-inch square. They are very popular these days and I couldn't wait to make some. Mine come in the shape of Christmas ornaments but they could be anything. The images I've used come from Crafty Secrets. If you like vintage images, you'll go nuts! I know I did.

For my ornaments, I used the smallest stamp images from "Winter Wonderland" and "Christmas Time" of the Heartwarming Vintage Cuts collection.

After having cut my 6 images, I glued them unto a green metallic cardstock. Then I made a loop using some metallic thread by Stampin' Up! (from last year). I also strung some beads with the same thread for the decoration at the bottom. These threads are sandwiched between 2 images that are glued back-to-back. That way, you get a nice double-sided ornament. The pictures are all different. For this one in particular, I've also added tiny gold paper borders given to me by my friend SophieThé (thanks, Sophie!).

Essayez de créer votre propre version d'un "Inchie". C'est vraiment amusant!
The next step is to cover both sides of the ornament with microscope glass slides. I used the Memory Glass by Ranger Ink. I sorta cheated since the glass slides I had were 1 1/2" X 1 1/2". Oh well, sometimes you gotta make-do with what you got! The slides are not glued unto the images, but held in place with a self-adhesive metallic tape (unfortunately, I don't have the name of the manufacturer and I remember having a hard time finding it last year). This step is labor-intensive and quite tricky since you have to make slits in the tape to let the loop and the string at the bottom poke through the tape. Once you've done that, you just burnish all sides and the corners with a bone folder. Go ahead and try to make your own interpretation of an Inchie... it's a lot of fun!
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Amis de neige / Snow Friends
Bon, disons que la photo n'est pas encore à mon goût mais il faut lâcher prise de temps en temps. J'aurai droit à un p'tit cours de photo 101 de mon frère pour Noël... c'est sur ma liste mais il ne le sait pas encore. hahah!

When my friend Kathy V. gave me this cute little stamp set from Close to My Heart as a gift, I fell in love and I knew I had to make something with it yesterday. After all, we are knee-deep in snow. The papers and cardstock are all from Stampin' Up!, in shades of Soft Sky, Sage Shadow and Whisper White. I stamped the quote and snowmen in Basic Gray and colored them in with my Watercolor Wonders from SU. The big snow balls are colored in with the White opaque paint marker from Sharpie (a must!). The fake snow was fun to make. I used a product called White Perfect Puff made by The Artful Stamper that I bought years ago. It comes in a bottle; you squeeze to draw out this pasty liquid and you're supposed to let it dry for at least 2 hours -- the longer the better. But I'm always too impatient, so I think I lasted about 1/2 hour. Then I took my heat gun and poooof!.... magic happens. It puffs up like snow. I love it! The sentiment on the front says: "Snow friends come and go with seasons," and then inside, the rest "but real friends last forever." Thanks, friend :-)
Je vous donne un avant-goût de ma dernière création. Je ne peux pas prendre de bonnes photos ce soir et j'en rage! Demain, je vais me chercher un bon éclairage. En attendant, je vous laisse avec ma neige... de la fausse neige. Une technique super intéressante. À tantôt!

Can't take photos tonight; bad lighting. That's it! Tomorrow, I'm going out to get stuff to put together the proper set up to take pix. The girl's had enough! In the meantime, here is a little peak at what I was working on tonight. Fake snow... gotta love it! Ceeya laterz!
Monday, December 03, 2007
Jour tempête de neige / Snow Day!

We woke up this morning to the sound of snow plows. We've got our first big snowfall of the year. It was snowday for my daughter and she was real happy about that! Since the snowplow could only do half of our driveway because my car was in the way, hubby and I went out shoveling to get it out. You see, since my studio's "overstock" is in the 2nd spot of the garage, my little Civic sleeps outside while DH's car stays all nice and warm in the garage :-))) There's a little more than a foot of snow on the ground but the winds are a-blowin' so hard that it sticks to the window. Here's a photo of my kitchen window. Isn't it nice and cozy?

Bonne fête, mon frèrot. Je t'aime XXX

Happy birthday, dear brother. I love you! XXX
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Crottes de bonhomme de neige! Snowman Poop!

I know the title may not be too appealing but if you read the poem inside you'll understand. This cute little box appeared on one of my favorite blogs, that of Cambria Turnbow, and I've incorporated it in my Christmas Bags & Boxes workshop tonight. The small candies inside, mint non-pareils, really look... snoman poop. And they are delicious!

Recette (tous les produits de Stampin' Up!, sauf indication contraire) --
Jeu d'estampes: Festive Favorites
Encres: Artichaut toujours, Croquant aux canneberges, Sauge subtile
Carton: Sauge subtile, Murmure blanc
Papiers à motifs: Gaultherie de la série designer
Poinçons: carré 1 3/8", carré 1 1/4", et carré festonné méga de Marvy Uchida
Ruban: Taffetas blanc
Autres: Bande adhésive, acétate (Staples)
Recipe (all products by Stampin' Up!, unless specified otherwise) --
Stamp Set: Festive Favorites
Inks: Always Artichoke, Cranberry Crisp, Sage Shadow
Cardstock: Sage Shadow, Whisper White
Patterned Paper: Wintergreen Designer Series
Punches: 1 3/8" and 1 1/4" squares, Mega scalloped square (Marvy Uchida)
Ribbon: White taffeta
Others: Sticky Strip, acetate (Staples)
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Des photos très rapides *** Real Quickly... some photos
Premièrement, IL A NEIGÉ SUR MONTRÉAL AUJOURD'HUI!!! Eh oui, notre première vraie neige de la saison. Il en reste encore un peu sur les parterres. J'ai beau haïr l'hiver, il n'en reste que la première neige me donne l'impression d'être enveloppée dans une belle boule de coton, toute douillette. Tous les bruits sont assourdis. Ça sent bon. Et c'est ainsi juste pour .... à peu près 1/2 journée!
Voici ce qu'une partie de ma cour arrière avait l'air ce matin:
My week is rather full and my Dad is moving to a rehab center tomorrow so I wil post a few pictures real quickly and the explanations will come later.
First of all, IT SNOWED on Montreal today! Yep, our first taste of the white fluff of the year. I really don't like winter, but I have to admit that the very first snow leaves me with a feeling of being wrapped in cotton balls. The sounds are muffled and it smells nice. And that usually lasts, oh.... for a good half-day. This is what part of my backyard looked like this morning.
Je viens de terminer une série de 3 ateliers chez un grosse firme du centre-ville et, en guise de remerciement, j'ai laissé ce soir à mon hôtesse extraordinaire une boite de chocolats. Je voulais faire ce projet très populaire depuis un bon bout de temps. Tina a été charmée, je crois. Elle refuse de manger les chocolats avant Noël. La carte en arrière plan est la 5e carte de mon atelier et le petit sac fera l'objet de mon atelier de demain. Je vous donne des détails plus tard!

Tonight, I just finished a series of 3 workshops for a major firm downtown. As a thank you gift, I gave Tina (hostess-extraordinaire) a nugget box. I've been wanting to do this project for a while so this was the perfect occasion. I think Tina was charmed and she refuses to eat the chocolates before Christmas. The card in the background was the 5th card of this workshop and the small bag made with patterned paper will be a project for my workshop tomorrow. I will post details later this week!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Carte boules de Noël *** Christmas Ornaments Card
I like to use different colors for the obvious holidays. This card is a perfect example. I've finally cut into one of my textured cardstock. It wasn't easy! The background for this card is a piece of Soft Sky textured cardstock and a piece of Certainly Celery was added at the bottom. The sentiment is stamped with Encore silver ink. The Christmas ornaments were punched with various circle punches through the Wintergreen Designer Series paper. I then inked every piece and glued them randomly. The big ornament that is in the forward was first stamped with one of the Snowflake Spot stamps, then inked with VersaMark, embossed with the Irridescent Ice embossing powder and punched through a circle punch. An Always Artichoke grograin ribbon decorates the big ornament.
Recette (toutes les fournitures de Stampin' Up!, sauf indication contraire)--
Jeux d'estampes: Nombreux joyeux messages (version anglaise), The Snowflake Spot
Encres: Artichaut toujours, argent d'Encore, Simplement noir
Cartons: Texturé en Doux ciel, Certainement céleri, Artichaut toujours, Sauge subtile
Papiers à motifs: Gaultherie
Poinçons: Cercles 3/4", 5/8", 1", 1 1/4", 1 3/8"
Ruban: Gros-grain 1/4" en Artichaut toujours
Autres: Poudre à gaufrage Givre irisé, Découpes Cricut de la cartouche Christmas Cheer, crayon Zig Painty, Mini Glue Dots, Stampin' Dimensionals
Recipe (all products by Stampin' Up! unless specified otherwise) --
Stamp Sets: Many Merry Messages, The Snowflake Spot
Inks: Always Artichoke, Encore's Silver, Basic Black
Cardstock: Soft Sky (textured), Certainly Celery, Always Artichoke, Sage Shadow
Patterned Paper: Wintergreen
Punches: 3/4", 5/8", 1", 1 1/4", 1 3/8" circles
Ribbon: Always Artichoke 1/4" grosgrain
Others: Irridescent Ice embossing powder, Cricut die-cuts from Chritsmas Cheer cartridge, Zig Painty marker, Mini Glue Dots, Stampin' Dimensionals
Thursday, November 15, 2007
D'autres cartes de Noël?! More Christmas Cards?!

'Tis the season after all! I can't speak today (laryngitis), so I will write! Here's one of the very first Christmas cards I made this year, but for some reason never posted about it. It was made with the Perfect Presentation Level 2 Hostess stamp set. This set is so versatile and I haven't had a chance to explore all the possibilities it offers. The dots on the front of the cards were made using the dry embossing technique with the Dots Classy Brass template, the light table and the Empressor Stylus. It picks up the dots from the inside of the card, which comes from the Dashing Designer Series paper. I cut one side of the tree and the star to create an interesting finish to the front of the card. I've also added a slit on the fold and on the left of the tree trunk to allow for the grosgrain ribbon to pass through the card and knot in the front. Very clean lines, but festive nonetheless!
Recette (toutes les fournitures de Stampin' Up!, sauf indication contraire)--
Jeu d'estampes: Présentation parfaite
Encres: Vert Olive, Vraiment rouge
Carton: Très vanille
Papier: Fringuant
Ruban: Gros-grain 5/8" Réellement rouge
Autres: Table lumineuse, gabarit Classy Brass "Dots", stylet Empressor
Recipe (all products by Stampin' Up!, unless specified otherwise) --
Stamp Set: Perfect Presentation
Ink: Old Olive, Real Red
Cardstock: Very Vanilla
Paper: Dashing
Ribbon: Real Red 5/8" grosgrain
Others: Light table, Dots Classy Brass template, Empressor Sytlus
Monday, November 12, 2007
Quand l'inspiration ne vient pas... *** When Inspiration Eludes You...
... you draw from the best. Let me explain. One of my favorite bloggers out there is outdoubtedly Marie Kirkwood. Marie is a very talented artist who always creates classy projects. This card was completely CASEd from one of Marie's. I have asked her permission to post mine here but you can view Marie's original from her blog by clicking here. It is the 2nd card in her post.

Le jeu d'estampes est "Lovely as a Tree". L'image est estampée en Presque cacao en partant vers le milieu du carton Très vanille et en "débordant" l'image sur les côtés, et ce de chaque côté. Puis l'image est ré-estampée à nouveau avec de la VersaMark, mais cette fois-ci elle est centrée et gaufrée à la chaleur avec de la poudre pour gaufrage dorée. Les coins sont poinçonnés avec le poinçon coin de ticket. Un ruban en taffetas Brisure de chocolat est fixé à ce carton avec des mini points de colle. L'image est par la suite collée sur un carton Brisure de chocolat. J'ai ajouté des attaches parisiennes dorées et ai collé le tout sur un carton Or brossé. La base de la carte est également un carton Brisures de chocolat. Le sentiment, provenant de l'ensemble Des Voeux parfaits, est estampé en Presque cacao , poinçonné avec le poinçon Étiquettes en clef et collé avec des Stampin' Dimensionals. Voila! J'aurai jamais pensé à utiliser le brun comme couleur de Noël, mais le doré rend ce projet tout à fait festif! Bravo Marie!
I created the background image from the Lovely as a Tree stamp set, by inking the stamp with Close to Cocoa Classic ink , aligning the beginning of the stamp in the middle of my Very Vanilla cardstock and stamping off the cardstock on the right side. I've repeated the same on the left side. For the next step, I stamped the same image with VersaMark, this time centering it in the middle, and then embossing it with Gold detail powder. The corners were punched out with the Ticket Corner Punch, inked with Close to Cocoa ink. I've wrapped a Chocolate Chip taffeta ribbon around the image and glued it to a piece of Chocolate Chip cardstock. I added gold brads to the corners and glued that whole piece to a Brushed Gold cardstock. The card base is also a Chocolate Chip cardstock. The sentiment is from the French version of Hugs & Wishes stamp set, stamped in Close to Cocoa again, punched out with the Key Tag punch, inked and glued with Stampin' Dimensionals. I would have never thought of using the color brown for a Christmas card but paired with Gold, it totally works. Well done, Marie!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Nouvelles cartes de Noël *** New Christmas Cards
I'm back! The flue is responsible for my inactivity on this. I will spare you all the gory details. Let's just say that I have in bed since Wednesday night and am just making me way to the real world slowly. Haven't been outside since then. Next year, you bet I'll take the flu shot! I just hope the rest of my family doesn't get it, especially my Dad who is still at the hospital.

Cette carte faisait partie de mon atelier de Cartes de Noël en folie II de mercredi dernier. Elle est relativement facile à assembler. Le seul défi? Estamper les petites fleurs à la bonne place sur le carton pour ensuite être capable de centrer et poinçonner la grosse fleur à 5 pétales.
Recette (tous les produits de Stampin' Up! sauf indication contraire) --
Jeux d'estampes: Office Accoutrement, So Many Sayings (version anglaise de Des Mots chaleureux)
Encre: Grenade pure, Artichaut toujours
Cartons: Grenade pure, Artichaut toujours, Blanc murmure
Papiers à motifs: Holiday Harmony de la série Design
Poinçons: Fleur à 5 pétales, Fenêtre pour texte
Autres: Stampin' Dimensionals, grosses attaches parisiennes argentées (source inconnue)
This simple card was part of my 2nd Christmas Cards Xtravaganza workshop last Wednesday. Even though it is rather simple in design, the biggest challenge was to stamp the center of the 5-petal flower at a perfect place on a piece of cardstock so that the punch would reach and have enough room to accomodate the 5 petals. The leaves were also punched with the 5-petal flower punch and then cut into segments of 2-petals and single petals. The rest is straight forward.
Recipe (all products by Stampin' Up! unless specified otherwise)--
Stamp Sets: Office Accoutrement, So Many Sayings
Ink: Purely Pomegranate, Always Artichoke
Cardstock: Purely Pomegranate, Always Artichoke, Whisper White
Patterned Paper: Designer Series Holiday Harmony
Punches: 5-petal Flower and Word Window
Others: Stampin' Dimensionals, big silver brads (source unknown)
Je vous remercie de votre patience et vous reviens demain avec une autre de mes cartes.
I thank you all for your patience and will come back tomorrow with another one of my cards.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Copic vs Gamsol
I've been wanting to get those famous Copic markers for a while now and yesterday, I splurged. In celebration of my Dad's successful surgery (he's doing very well!), I stopped at ArtTec on my way back from the hospital. This downtown art supply store is filled with goodies but I didn't have a chance to explore. I promised myself I would go back when I have more time.

Here are two cards I made, one with the Copic markers and the other with the Gamsol/Prismacolor coloring pencils. Since I have not mastered Copic's blending marker, I have opted to use a darker shade for shadowing. Please note that the markers will bleed on the reverse side of your paper, so you them accordingly. The stamp is from Rubber Stampede. Papers and ribbon from Stampin' Up!

I also bought a Twinkling marker from atyou Spica, which belongs to Copic. I chose the clear one but it comes in quite a few colors. Here is the result. I have used the Spical on the patterns of the paper as well as the poinsetta flowers, the hearts on the cheeks and two of the coutours of the frame.

And this is with the Prismacolor coloring pencils and the paper stump dipped in Gamsol. It's always such a treat to see the pencils' marks disappear when you use Gamsol. And it is so easy to blend 2 colors together with this technique. I added a few jewels to the hat and a bling flower to decorate the card. Apart from the Stamp, everything else is by Stampin' Up!
Je voulais vous remercier de venir en grand nombre visiter mon blog. Ne vous gênez pas pour laisser vos commentaires. Ça me fait toujours plaisir!
I would also like to thank you for coming to visit my blog on a regular basis. Please don't hesitate to leave a comment. It's always a pleasure to read. them!
Saturday, November 03, 2007
J'ai recouvert 2 cadres de papiers à motifs entre lesquels j'ai glissé le ruban pour suspendre l'ornement ainsi que le fil par lequel pend la couronne. Le même principe est utilisé pour la couronnne en carton estampée avec une image de branche de pin du jeu Noble Deer sur laquelle des gouttes de colle accueuille les brillants Rouge romantique. L'attache provient du Hodgepodge Hardware. Le truc est de bien sabler les bordures des formes de carton enduites de papier à motifs. Les outils de sablage de Basic Grey (Precision File Set) sont excellents pour cet utilisation car ils sont de grosseurs variées et permettent de passer dans des endroits étroits. De même que les éponges camoufleurs de Stampin' Up! Ils sont idéals pour antiquer les festons à l'intérieur du cadre. J'ai également ajouté de la couleur Artichaut toujours en passant la pointe en forme de pinceau d'un Stampin' Write sur les bordures à l'extérieur et l'intérieur des formes. C'est un moyen rapide d'ajouter de la couleur au carton aggloméré. La couronne à l'intérieur est tout simplement poinçonnée avec le cercle 3/4" et la pétoncle! Vive les poinçons!!!

What do you do when you are doing a full system backup because you're afraid your computer is going to crash? You stamp, of course!!! This is what I finished at 3:00 a.m. this morning. I opened On Board Trimmings kit to find out that I was left with negative shapes after I punched out a wreath from it. So I covered two of them up with Dashing patterned paper, cut out the excess and sanded all of the edges. The Precision File Set from Basic Grey is great for that. The set includes small files that go into tiny spaces that are normally not accessible with a sanding block. I made the wreath by punching out first with my 3/4" circle punch and then using the scalloped circle punch. The stamped pine branch motif was achived with one of the stamps from the Noble Deer set. I then put little dots of liquid glue and covered them up with Romantic Red glitter. All of the pieces were inked with Always Artichoke ink using a sponge dauber.
Here's how I assembled everything: With a mini glue dot, I sandwiched the Hodgepode Hardware hanger between the two wreaths, back sides together. I looped a little silver chord to it. Then I adhered a red gingham ribbon loop to the back side of one of the chipboard shape, as well as the silver chord. Then the last piece of chipboard went over that and... Voila!
Friday, November 02, 2007

Last week, Sophie and Angèle (mother/daughter duo) came to my house to do some crafting of their choice. We get along beautifully and share many passions. Not only are they talented crafters but they like chocolate and tea... perfect! Angèle had been talking to me about those famous Mandalas and I couldn't wait to try my hands at them. She brought her special stamps and away I went. Here's my very first one that I've completed late last night (read early this morning... having a hard time falling asleep these days so I might as well work!).

L'idée derrière ces Mandalas est d'estamper une même image avec plusieurs motifs concentriques et de les gaufrer à la chaleur. Ces estampes sont un peu difficiles à trouver mais celle utilisée dans ce projet provient de Outlines Rubber Stamp Company. Les images sont estampées plusieurs fois et coloriées avec les crayons Stampin' Write de Stampin' Up! Il s'agit ensuite de découper à différents niveaux de chaque image et de les coller en "escalier" à l'aide de collants dimensionnels. L'étage du fond est collée sur un carton pour solidifier et lui donner une autre dimension. J'ai fait la même chose pour l'étage du dessus. Je fais deux jeux identiques et la corde passe entre les jeux. La corde est confectionnée avec le fil dorée de Stampin' Up! de l'an passé. j'ai tout simplement tressé plusieurs brins et confectionné un gland à la fin.
The idea behind this technique is to repeatedly stamp and emboss the same image that have a geometric pattern. These images are a little hard to find in stores, but this one in particular comes from Outlines Rubber Stamp Company. I then colored every images using the Stampin' Write markers from Stampin' Up! and cut them out at various stages. The base and the top layers are glued to a cardstock to outline the images better. This step is not a must though. The layers are then glued together with foam adhesives, starting by the big one. I make two montages and sandwich a rope in between the two sets. The rope was made from a gold cord from Stampin' Up! (last year's offering). I braided 6 different strands together. A beautiful bling flower adorns the middle of the top and bottom part. And voilà! I think this will be my favorite project to relax.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Tableau porte-notes *** Clipboard

While preparing for the latest Salon du scrapbooking, I decorated a clipboard. This clipboard allowed for a sturdy surface to write on while gathering information from visitors that came to our booth. It was perfect since it allowed me to be mobile throughout the booth.

La facade est recouverte du papier à motifs Hors-la-loi de la série Design et agrémenté de ruban grograin 3/4" en pépite de chocolat. J'ai également recouvert le tout de Mod Podge pour éviter que le papier s'effrite. La pince est également recouverte d'un forme en carton aggloméré qui provient du Tableau Fleurs et bases. J'ai ajouté du ruban grosgrain pépite de chocolat ainsi que le nouveau ruban de taffetas en mousse douce. Voici un truc: lorsque vous avez décorez vos objects dimensionnels avec du ruban, n'hésitez pas d'enduire les noeuds avec du Mod Podge. Ceci les protègent et les noeuds garderont toujours leur forme!
Both surfaces (front and back) were covered with the Outlaw Designer Series papers and some Chocolate Chip 3/4" grosgrain. I covered the whole thing (including the ribbons) with a nice coat of Mod Podge to protect the surfaces. The clip was embellished with a chipboard flower from the On Board Blossoms & Basics set and I punched out a shape with the Scallop from the patterned paper. I've added Chocolate Chip 3/4" grosgrain and Mellow Moss Taffeta ribbons on the clip as well. Here's a tip: To secure the knots on the clip, brush some Mod Podge on them!

At the bottom of the clipboard are my initials. I took one of the framed letters from the On Board Lots of Letters set so I could have the positive and the negative. It's a good way to maximize your set. Then I inked them with a sponge, unevenly, to give the leather-y feel to them. I think it works and I love my new clipboard!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Noël en bleu et brun *** Christmas in Brown and Blue
Si vous avez aimé ces cartes, j'aimerais en profiter pour vous annoncer que j'offrirai un autre atelier Cartes de Noël en Folie (II) le 7 novembre prochain. Allez jeter un coup d'oeil à mon site d'atelier pour plus de détails.
Recette (tous les produits de Stampin' Up! sauf indication contraire):
Jeu d'estampes: Flocons piquetis
Encre: Versamark, Pépite de chocolat
Cartons: Pépite de chocolat, Doux ciel, vélin blanc
Poudre à gaufrage: Blanc, Halo hologrammes
Ruban: Satin brun
Autres: Taille-pièce Crop-A-Dile, Oeillets maxi blanches (WeRMemory Keepers)

The final card from my Christmas Cards Xtravaganza workshop. These colors are not conventional but I think it still conveys the Christmas message; just a little more modern. The big snowflake in the middle was heat-embossed in White and the little flecks around the velum are embossed with Halo Holograms powder. By the way, I have come to the conclusion that the Stampin' Up! embossing powder are of a much more superior quality than most of the brands that are out there on the market. I realized this recently when I needed to emboss in white. The SU powders have a fine grain and melt quite easily. The word "Joy" is stamped on the Soft Sky cardstock, underneath the vellum for a subdued effect. Unfortunately, the photo does not do it justice, but it's quite nice. Another tip: when embossing on vellum, heat from underneath to prevent burning and warping. Although the SU velum is of higher quality, I never take my chances. Better safe than sorry!
If you liked these cards, why not come to the 2nd installment of the Xmas Cards Xtravaganza (II) on November 7th?! Please visit my workshop website for more details.
Recipe (all products by Stampin' Up! unless specified otherwise):
Stamp Set: Flocons piquetis (French version of The Snowflake Spot)
Inks: Versamark, Chocolate Chip
Cardstock: Chocolate Chip, Soft Sky and White vellum
Embossing powders: White and Halo Holograms
Ribbon: Brown Satin
Others: Crop-A-Dile, White jumbo eyelets (WeRMemory Keepers)
Friday, October 26, 2007
Une autre carte de Noël *** Another Xmas Card
Recette (tous les produits sont de Stampin' Up! sauf indication contraire):
Jeu d'estampes: Jolliest Time of the Year
Encres: Vraiment rouge, Simplement noir, Grisonnant, Bouton de rose
Cartons: Vraiment rouge, Certainement céleri, Très vanille
Papiers à motifs: Fringuant (série Design)
Poinçon: Coin de ticket
Autres: Hodgepodge Hardware en laiton ancien, attaches parisiennes Vraiment rouge, crayon Zip Painty, Stylo gel blanc Signo

Here's the 4th card from the Xmas Xtravanganza I workshop. It's a very simple card to make. The cute and plump Santa is from the Jolliest Time of the Year stamp set. He's he adorabel? He was colored with a blender pen and the Classic ink pads. Here`s a money-saving tip: imitate ribbon by using your left-over pieces of patterned paper!
Recipe (All products by Stampin' Up! unless specified otherwise):
Stamp Set: Jolliest Time of the Year
Inks: Real Red, Basic Black, Going Gray, Blush Blossom
Cardstock: Real Red, Certainly Celery and Very Vanilla
Patterned Paper: Dashing from Design Series
Punch: Ticker corner
Others: Hodgepodge Hardware (antique brass), Real Red brad, Zig Painty marker and Signo white gel pen
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Cartes de Noël, suite... *** Christmas Cards Cont'd...
Ceci est la 3e carte de mon atelier de mardi. Cette carte a un style un peu champêtre, ce qui sort totalement de ma zone de confort. Mais je suis contente du résultat final. Et ce jeu d'estampes (Vive la neige!) est tellement versatile. Il comprend 12 estampes en tout. Je l'ai acheté l'année dernière et je ne peux m'empêcher de le sortir à nouveau cette année.
Recette (tous les articles de Stampin' Up!:
Estampes: Vive la neige! et roue régulière "Snowman Fun"
Encres: Simplement noir, Rouge rubis, Doux ciel, Artichaut toujours, Soleil d'été et Oh! Orange
Cartons: Sable du sahara, Rouge rubis, Doux ciel, Mousse douce et Très vanille
Ruban: Vichy de couleur Mousse
Autres: Crayons Watercolor Wonders, pinceau Aqua Painter,Trousse de découpage pour outil à vieillissement, Stampin' Dimensionals

This is the 3rd card from Tuesday's workshop. It has a country feel to it and is so out of my comfort zone, but I like the finished product. And this set (It's Snow Time) is such a versatile set. There are 12 stamps in all in the kit. I bought it last year and can't stop pulling it out again this year.
Recipe (all products by Stampin' Up!:
Stamp Sets: Vive la Neige! (French version of It's Snow Time, Snowman Fun wheel
Inks: Basic Black, Ruby Red, Soft Sky, Always Artichoke, Summer Sun and Oh! Orange
Cardstock: Sahara Sand, Ruby Red, Soft Sky, Mellow Moss and Very Vanilla
Ribbon: Moss Gingham
Others: Watercolor Wonders crayons, Aqua Painter brush, Cutting Kit for the distressing tool, Stampin' Dimensionals
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Cartes en Folie de Noël *** Xmas Cards Xtravaganza

Voici la 2e carte que nous avons confectionnée à l'atelier de cartes de Noël, utilisant l'ensemble "Sleigh Bells Ring". Ces estampes me rappelent les Noël d'antan qui me réchauffent le coeur. Nous aurions pu colorier l'image, mais je trouve que les motifs du papier lui rendent déjà hommage. Voir la recette ci-bas pour plus de détails.
J'aimerais également rajouter que je ferai un autre atelier de cartes de Noël le 7 novembre prochain. Les places s'envolent très vite! Cliquez sur lien à droit, Ateliers de CeeCee pour plus de détails.
Recette (tous de Stampin' Up! sauf indication contraire):
Jeu d'estampes: Sleigh Bell Rings
Encre: Toujours artichaut
Cartons: Très vanille, Toujour artichaut
Papier à motifs: Gaultherie (série design)
Autres: Hodgepodge Hardware en laiton ancien, ruban grosgrain 1/4 po. en Artichaut toujours et Liquid Pearls en White Opal (Ranger)
Here's the 2nd card we made on Tuesday. I fell in love with this stamp set, Sleigh Bells Ring. It conjures beautiful images of Christmases where life was a lot simplier, homier. We could have colored the image a bit but I felt that the beautiful patterned paper was enough to bring out the crisp image. See recipe below!
I would also like to mention that I will be holding another Xmas Cards Xtravaganza workshop on November 7th and is getting filled up rather quickly. Just click on the link to the right, CeeCee Workshops, to get more details.
Stamp Set: Sleigh Bells Ring
Ink: Always Artichoke
Cardstock: Very Vanilla, Always Artichoke
Patterned Paper: Wintergreen Design Series
Other: Hodgepodge Hardware in Antique Brass, Always Artichoke Grosgrain 1/4 inch ribbon, White Opal Liquid Pearls (Ranger)
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Cartes de Noël en Folie I *** Xmas Cards Xtravaganza I
Recette (tous les produits par Stampin' Up! sauf indication contraire):
Jeu d'estampes: Phrases célèbres (cadeau d'hôtesse de palier 1)
Encres: Toujours artichaut, Grenade pure, Presque cacao (pour le tronc d'arbre)
Cartons: Roche fluviale, Grenade pure, Toujours artichaut
Ruban: Satin en Grenade pure (mini catalogue des fêtes)
Poinçon: coin de ticket
Autres: Crayon estompe, Stickles Or

My first Xmas Cards Xtravaganza workshop took place yesterday and here is the first card that my guests made. I love the designer font of this stamp set and the vertical images compliment each stamp to perfection. The frame around the image was done with sponging Always Artichoke ink inside of a template I designed for this card. Love the effect!
Recipe (all Stampin' Up! products, except mentioned otherwise):
Stamp Set: Sidekick Sayings (hostess set - level 1)
Inks: Always Artichoke, Purely Pomegranate, Close to Cocoa (for the tree trunk)
Cardstock: River Rock, Purely Pomegranate, Always Artichoke
Ribbon: Satin in Purely Pomegranate (mini Holiday catalogue)
Punch: Ticket corner
Other: Blender pen and Gold Stickles (Ranger)
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Gagnante du salon / Winner of the Salon
The winner of our draw from the Salon du scrapbooking is Valérie Duplessis, from Laval. Congrats, Valérie!
Salon du Scrapbooking

Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Atelier de Techniques-coloriage / Coloring Technique Workshop

Avez-vous déjà utilisé les crayons métalliques de Stampin' Up! ? Moi jes les ai et les adore! Ils sont parfaits pour colorier sur du carton foncé. Ils sont juste assez gras pour faciliter un beau coup de crayon. Cette carte fait partie de mon atelier de techniques de coloriage qui reviendra à chaque mois. La prochaine date sera le 28 novembre prochain. Allez jeter un coup d'oeil à mon blog d'ateliers pour voir les 4 cartes qui font l'objet de mon atelier!

Did you ever try the metallic coloring pens from Stampin' Up! ? I have them and love them! They are beautiful when used on dark cardstock. Their "greasy" texture makes them glide on the paper. This card is part of my Coloring Techniques Workshop. Every month, this workshop focuses on 4 different techniques. Please go visit my Workshop Blog to see all 4 cards you will make.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Boîte Origami Box
Voici une boîte origami que j'ai faite ce soir en regardant le "tutorial" de Kristina Werner. C'est génial comment ce projet est simple! Les papiers sont de la collection "Holiday Harmony" ainsi que le beau ruban satiné Grenade pure de Stampin' Up!, tous deux dans le mini catalogue des Fêtes.
You may have noticed that I don't post as often as usual. The reason is fairly simple: my time is spent between caring for my Dad (no scheduled date for his surgery yet - very frustrating!) and the preparations for the Scrapbooking Show this coming weekend. I will try to show you my projects, in between panic attacks, Yikes!!!
This origami box is a cute little project to do for small Christmas gifts. Just follow the easy steps from Kristina Werner's tutorial. The supplies are kept to a minimum... SU's "Holiday Harmony" designer papers and Purely Pomegranate satin ribbon, both from the Holidays Mini Catalogue. Love it!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
World Card Making Day *** Journée mondiale de la confection de cartes

The colors of thes cards were inspired by an article in a Mary Englebreit's magazine on unusual home decor color combos. So, I went with Rose Red, Groovy Guava, Mellow Moss and Very Vanilla as a neutral. Since my guests are going to make 5 of each of the designs, I needed to keep it cute but simple.
J'aimerais partager avec vous les deux cartes qui feront partie de mon atelier de samedi pour souligner la Journée mondiale de la confection de cartes. Les inscriptions vont de bon train et je suis vraiment excitée!
Pour les couleurs, je me suis inspirée d'un article paru la revue mensuelle Home Companion de Mary Engelbreit portant sur les couleurs inusitées en décoration intérieure. Je me suis servie de Rose rouge, Goyave parfaite, Mousse douce et très vanille comme couleur neutre. Puisque chaque invitée feront 5 exemplaires des 2 cartes, je me devais de respecter un design à la fois joli mais simple.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Atelier d'Halloween *** Halloween Workshop

Veuillez consulter mon blog-atelier pour de plus amples détails.
Here are the projects we'll do at an upcoming Halloween workshop this Thursday, October 4th. We will use the beautiful Creepy Crawly Designer Series papers from Stampin' Up! as well as the Batty For You stamp set. In this workshop, you will make 2 cards, 1 candy bag and a gift bag. Don't miss this opportunity to have some good fun and eat lots of candies! I have only 4 spaces available.
You can consult my workshop blog for more details on this workshop, as well as other upcoming workshops.

Here's a close-up of one of the cards. I was inspired by a sketch from Splitcoaststampers. Of course, I added my own personal touch.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
RAK - Acte de bonté

Une autre de mes amies est passée par chez-moi cette semaine pour me laisser cette belle carte de souhaits. Cette fois-ci, il s'agit de Kathy. Elle a utilisé la méthode de gaufrage à sec pour le fond de la carte avec un dossier de gaufrage de Cuttlebug et un gabarit en laiton pour le gâteau et les petites fleurs. Of course, no birthday card would be complete without its bling element. Stickles and pebbles were used. Évidemment, une carte de souhaits n'est pas complète à moins qu'elle n'aie son élément "bling". Du Stickles et des petites pierres furent ajoutées. N'est-elle pas mignonne cette carte?
J'ai vraiment de bonnes amies. Ça fait chaud au coeur de voir que je suis entourée de bonnes personnes. Merci, Kathy!
Another friend of mine passed by this week to give me this beautiful birthday card. She used the dry embossing method with an embossing folder from Cuttlebug for the background and a brass embossing stencil for the flowers and leaves. Of course, no birthday card would be complete without its bling element. Stickles and pebbles were used. Isn't this the cutest card, ever?
I do have to say that I have a lot of good friends and it warms my heart to be priviledge this way... especially when you need it the most. Thanks, Kathy!
Monday, September 24, 2007
L'amitié *** Friendship

Merci, Sophie, pour le beau cadeau! J'ai déjà commencé à déguster mes breuvages :-) Ton geste m'a profondément touché.
Friendship is such a wonderful thing. My friend Sophie came over on Friday, bearing birthday gifts. We share many passions, two of them being tea and art. She put together an assortment of tea leaves in little containers that screw one on top of each other, each of them labeled with the name of the tea. But the 2nd gift in the bag is what blew me away. She made a collage on a 1" X 1" embroidery floss card organizer, complete with a button, old dictionary paper, floss and this tiny little old-fashioned lady that she cut out. Isn't it adorable? I love these and plan on making them. But in the meantime, head over here to view more of these beautiful creations.
Thank you, Sophie, for the touching gift! I've already sampled quite a few :-) I am touched by this gesture.